We are here in Hardyville, Va with Chuck & Barie Carmichael on the banks of Healy Creek between the Rappahannock and Plankatank Rivers just off the Chesapeake Bay. Got here yesterday and brought a cold front with us. Which was OK with them as they are about to go skiing (go figure). Thank you Chuck & Barie for opening your home to us anyway.
Chuck has taken up with his old bad habits, racing sailboats. Cape Dory Typhoons,
18 1/2 foot pocket rockets according to Chuck. He has two, one for each river and looking for a third. Races like a hundred times a week.
The hot tub was tough to take.
Showed us the new “Club”.
Took us for walks.
Opened their home to us.
Our heartfelt thanks to Chuck and Barie!!!!
On to the Carolinas.
But first a stop at Bubba’s in Virginia Beach for some sea food lunch.
Ok NOW on to the Carolinas.