That’s MARY-land not Marilyn, or so I’m told. “Positioned just below the Mason – Dixon Line between the Union and Confederacy, Maryland was a hotbed of political debate in early ya da ya da ya da…
We got here about 7:30 last night, coming to Hagerstown instead of Harper’s Ferry because there are cheaper hotels here. In fact we are at a Clarion – sort of- we’re at the back end of a nice Clarion in something called Express Hotel. Clarion, in a fit of downsizing, sold off the back end of the hotel to a private owner. The hallways all connect, we can use the Clarion amenities, pool, exercise room (ya, right), etc. Everything’s the same except price (about half) and, oh ya, the Clarion was recently updated and the “Express Hotel” wasn’t. Kinda twilight zone like as you walk down the Clarion hall into another dimension. But room is clean, bed is ok for my back and we have flush toilets (indoor), so life is good.
We are going to do laundry this morning and check out Hagerstown this afternoon and then head to Harper’s Ferry, WV tomorrow as it’s supposed to be 10 degrees warmer than the 47 now.
Went to see a train round house museum but it was closed so went to see a model train museum close by. Pretty interesting really, had mostly Lionel stuff that went back to 1905.